Friday, February 10, 2017


     This happens to be an older photo, but last night's blizzard was a repeat performance.  It was snowing and blowing - not a fit night out for man nor beast.
     Thom and David aren't much into playing in the snow, but I happen to love it.  I especially like the powdery white stuff that I can kick up and burrow into.
     The cold doesn't seem to bother me.  I guess I really am a "Down-east Dalmatian".

Sunday, February 5, 2017


     Winter-time and retirement just go hand in hand to create the most ideal conditions for a nap.
     It seems in this house somebody is always taking a nap.  So, I never have to look far for a snuggle-buddy.
     Sh-h-h, I'm having a nap.
     Sometimes when David has food pantry duty on a Saturday Thom and I drive out there to deliver his lunch.       I get to hang out in this wonderful room filled with edibles.  Of course, I can't eat anything, but I can dream, can't I?