Sunday, September 19, 2010

Boy, do I ever enjoy my deck. It's the perfect place for an afternoon nap in the warm sunshine. The nice thing is that if the sun gets too hot, there is always a cool shaded area somewhere else on the deck. I guess the structure was built with ideal sun exposure. I can be outside any time of the day and choose sun or shade. Right now I am eating this up as we are well into Indian Summer and I know from experience the snow will be flying soon. Oh well, that's another pleasure and adventure in and of itself. By the way, check out my vocabulary - 600 hundred words my rear, I am a walking dictionary. But - sometimes it is best to act like you don't understand.
It's always fun and a special occasion when Aunt Cheri comes to dinner. All the humans think it's a dinner engagement, but to me it is just playtime. Aunt Cheri is an easy touch. She always falls for my charm and cute Dalmatian expressions. Boy, am I ever getting good at those expressions. This is important as it is the main way to manipulate my staff. I can always win in a game of tug with Cheri. However, I let her win once in a while to keep her spirits up - this makes the game last longer too because she doesn't get discouraged. Aunt Cheri has boys of her own (three of them). Yet - she still loves me. I can tell. I wish she would come to dinner every night. We could just call it a standing play-date.