Saturday, June 29, 2013


     Yes, it's summer time again and all the snow is gone.  I love the snow and the cold blowing wind, but - eh, enough is enough.  Now that it's summer I get to go to the beach or the Dawg Park everyday - sometimes I go to both the beach and the park in the same day.  My daddies are retired and they have all the time in the world to indulge me and I just love it. 
   Nothing is more fun than a free run at the beach.  I can go as far as I want and nobody gets upset.  Sometimes when I run up into the cliffs I do create a bit of anxiety, but I know just how much to push the bounds without causing trouble. 
     The nice thing is no one is concerned if I get sand in the car or make the seats wet.  When we go to the beach or to the park it's all about ME and I love it!

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