Sunday, June 20, 2010

Here I come with ears a flappin'. Thom and David get a kick out of how my ears flap when I really get some speed up. Me - I'm oblivious. All I care about is catching my chase toy on the first bounch. I can get my entire body 4 to 5 feet in the air for a spectacular running catch. That is if the toy is thrown properly. Sometime I get a little too rowdy and rough. Both my Daddies have a few healing wounds on their arms to attest to that fact. But - hey, I'm a puppy, a big 72 pound puppy!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Nothing special - just me doing my job as an ornament of the gentry. Sitting proud and looking good. Is there a dry eye in the house?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The neighbor across the street does wood working and carpentry. We bought this nice blue double-seater from him. I like it because the seats are large enough for me to comfortably fit. And it is so much easier to reach the table where the coffee cups are placed. There is always that moment when attentions wonder and I can steal a gulp or two of good old Hawaiian kona. Of course, as you can see by the photo, I am always being lectured about something. I guess I might have done another no-no. Hey guys, give me a break. I'm just a kid - only seventeen months old after all. You've gotta expect a little rowdiness.
After my mid-day nap. Daddy David and I went out to enjoy our lovely, green, freshly mowed lawn. I love to just sit or lie in the sweet smelling grass. Oh, sometimes it just feels so good to roll around and wiggle about on my back. Lawns were made to be enjoyed. I really don't care if I get a few grass stains on my white parts. I have it firmly ingrained in my mind that I AM a self-cleaning Dalmatian.
Occasionally I include the staff in my pleasures and play with them. They seem to like it when I run around and chase my toys when they toss them. It's fun and the exercise is good for me. I even get them to run about once in a while by bouncing my toys out-of-bounds of just dropping them and leaving them at the far reaches of the lawn. Hey - we all need a little exercise!
Yesterday was community service day. David went to put in his hours at the Food Pantry. Thom and I took a ride out there at lunch time so I could check the place over and see just exactly what was going on. Not a bad setup. There were lots of nice and intriguing food smells - off limits to me, of course. But all in all it was an interesting trip. I always enjoy new territory to explore.
There also was a nice little stretch of woods out behind the building. I got to go walking and romping about there. Nice place. I think a lot of deer hang out there. At least their scent was all over the ground.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Rainy day - can't go running at the old campgrounds. Can't take a decent walk. Can't play in the backyard. I am just going to sleep and hope that when I wake up things will be all sunny again. I did get to go on errands in the car today - big Whoop! I wanna run. I wanna frolic. I'm still a puppy and it ain't gonna last forever.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Finally, I think summer is here. It's 78 degrees and the sky is nice and blue. The sun is making me so drowsy. I am just going to lie here in the warm rays and have a snooze. If only those people whould stop taking pictures of me from the studio balcony, it would be a perfect world. I always look forward to summer when the deck can become just another room of the house.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Like everyone else in this house I just can't seem to get going in the mornings without my coffee. Usually I have to sneak it when nobody is looking. Then again, sometimes I just bump the table hard enough to spill coffee on the floor. I'm not proud - I'll lick it up. Occasionally I am given my very own small serving; I guess you'd call it a demi-tasse.
The final OK on my coffee sipping was given by my Vet. Although she did suggest decaffeinated as my Dalmatian natural personality is already running on hyper-drive.