Sunday, August 15, 2010

It's not yet lunch time and I have had a full morning. First off, I began with a treat from The Blue Iris Bistro - a lovely slice of ham all for me. Every Sunday when my Daddies go out to breakfast I am rewarded for my good behavior while alone in the house with a special goodie.
After that I went out to run loose at the old campgrounds. It's so much fun to have all that space to myself. I can cover a lot of ground and really get up some speed. I used to get going so fast I would slide out on the turns and come home with all kinds of grass stains on my beautiful white coat. Now, I have learned to properly bank my turns as you can see. I do get my exercise and soon found myself panting with my tongue dragging. So - it was back into the car with the wonderful A/C turned on full blast for a long ride to cool down. We cruised the newer campgrounds. I had never been there before and it was an interesting new experience - new sight, new smells. Ah, what a life, the dog's life especially here in Eastport.

Monday, August 9, 2010

It was a day David had to gallery sit and I decided I didn't want to stay home. I just knew things would be more exciting downtown that at home with Thom. Besides I figured it was about time I entered the Eastport art scene. I had a great time, but it was not as exciting as I had anticipated. I discovered you are not allowed to jump up on the customers and the browsers. Also to my surprise you are not permitted to kiss everyone that enters the place. It was fun, but all in all I think I would rather go shopping at the Thrift Store next door.