Thursday, July 24, 2014


     Aha, that felt good.  Now I'll just go home and have a bit of a nap on the deck chair in the sun.  Boy, I really love Summertime.


     I've always been a water dog and I go into the sea even in the winter.  But I just waded and walked along the shore.  After a few play dates with my buddy Bosco, I learned to really swim.  Now, in the summer I can really fully the cooling water with a proper swim and I usually take my green squid along with me.  

     These 4 leggers abound on my island.  They feel quite safe and are very bold.  When I go for a walk I can catch their scent everywhere.  If only I was off leash I could rid the place of these "dear" critters  

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

     Since I am a member of the family I go almost everywhere Thom or David go.  If either car leaves the Door Yard, you can bet I will be in it.
     This particular day was David's turn for duty at the local Food pantry.  As you can see I was in the jeep concerned we would be late while I anxiously waited for David to find the keys and get it together.
     Needless to say, all went well.  We arrived early - so all my worrying was for nothing.
     I love going to the Food Pantry or to the Gallery with Daddy David.  It gets me out and about and I get to meet a lot of our friends and neighbors.  Many of whom are my devoted fans.  Naturally this comes as no surprise because I am extremely handsome and quite affectionate and lovable!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

     I am tired of this damn rain.  I want to go to the park and run and play with my buddy, Willie.  There has been enough rain already.  The gardens are no longer thirsty and we are NOT going to build an ark!
     I can't even relax on the couch and watch the news with Daddy David without those damn deer coming onto my property and taunting me.  I bark and raise all kinds of hell.  I would dearly love to get outside and chase those invaders off, but Thom and David say they could hurt me with their sharp hooves.  Of course,  having no thumbs I cannot open the door myself.    

Sunday, May 18, 2014

     Sometimes the best thing to do is just build a pillow fort and have a nice long snooze!

Saturday, January 11, 2014