Saturday, July 9, 2016


      Sipp Bay - so close, who knew?  We found out we were only a few miles from a beautiful place called Sipp Bay.  One morning we all took a ride there to check it out.  Very beautiful and a place that will be different each time you go.  Weather changes, tides come and go, different wildlife may be present and the vegetation changes with the seasons.  I loved it because of all the new scents.  With my magic nose I am very attuned to these things.

Friday, July 8, 2016


       Well, another Fourth of July has come and gone here in Eastport, Maine.
      A lot of the dog population in town are frightened and annoyed by the noise of the fireworks, but not me.  I enjoy it.  It is amazing to see the bright and colorful lights dripping down from the sky.  I look forward to watching them every year - twice.  We live on an island across the water from Canada and we can see their Canada Day fireworks from our balcony.   I am a lucky because I get the treat of two celebrations each year.

      Another day at the Dawg Park and I am helping Daddy David get some exercise.  Although I only weigh 80 pounds, I am solid and all muscle.  Therefore I always win these tug-of-wars.  I am so lucky to have humans that take me almost everywhere they go.  I get to the park regularly and often get down to the sea.  I also go for a hike in the woods practically every morning out at Shackford head.  There are lots of animals living there and it is a cornucopia of tantalizing and delightful scents especially in the early morning.  

     During the summer my nap time coincides with the western sun making amazing stripes across me.  The sun is warm and toasty and I am so cozy.  I look good too!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

     I love the sunlight and I think good lighting is imperative.  I have the knack of picking the very best spots for my photo ops.  One of my daddies will always have a camera handy.  The proof truly is in the lighting.  "I am ready for my close up, Mr. DeMille."

     Last week it was Spring with temperatures in the 50's.  Beautiful and invigorating.  I went to South Beach.  I went to the Dawg Park.  I went to Clark Street Beach and into the woods at Shackford Head.
     This morning it is not Spring anymore.  I woke up chilly and had to wrap up in my nice blue blanket.  Oh well, the house is toasty warm and there is plenty of food.  I'll just stay inside and wait for Spring to come - AGAIN!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


     It was another one of those special winter days yesterday.  The temperature was in the twenty's and the wind was gusting enough to make a bitter chill.  I am invigorated by the cold, but my daddies  are not so inclined.  They take me our for the necessary purposes plus to get some exercise but not quite as much as I would like.  I also tag along in the car for errands and even when there are no errands I am taken for rides to dispel the winter cabin fever.
     It is a good time to locate my favorite sunbeam, lie on the bed, and recharge my batteries with some solar power.

Monday, February 8, 2016


     Last summer my Auntie Din came to visit us.  (I think she really comes to see me).  I love her and have know her since I was 4 months old.  She never gets upset with me if I become a little pushy or annoying.  When she arrives I bark and shout and run out to greet her.  She usually hangs her purse around my neck and I carry it into the house for her.  If  Daddy Thom corrects me in front of her I can tell she is displeased.  I think she loves me as much as I love her.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Getting Our Pirate On.

     Last September was another Pirate Festival.  An event that has become quite popular here in Eastport, Maine.  It stated out so small a number of years ago and has grown to one of out major tourist attractions. 
     The entire island supports it.  People go to work in pirate costume.  Age is no barrier.  Adults, teens, babies, seniors and ever pets participate. 
     As you can see by my expression,  I am not 100 % sold on the idea and I am thankful David and Thom do not forced me to "dress-up".  I do like all the people and the crowded festive streets.  Strangely enough I  look forward to the fireworks.  There is something about the noise and all those flashing brilliant colors in the sky!  The big plus is there are bits of dropped and forgotten food here and there in the streets and if I am quick enough and sly enough I manage to partake.
Back To Blogging.

     I cannot believe it has been over a year since I have updated this blog.  Perhaps the answer is in the photo.  Have I been lying about too much?  I should hope not.   I may have become  a bit slower and less multi-task oriented.  After all, I am seven years old now as of last January 30th.
     My only consolation is that Thom has not been keeping his blog up to date either.  Maybe I can be his inspiration.