Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My very first walk in my new town was in the misty morning fog. My Dalmatian radar kicked in immediately and I knew my way back home; to my home, my forever home! There were all kinds of animal scents, a feast for my nose. There were strange noises too that I have since become able to identify as fog horns. There were chattering seagulls everywhere and the big black crows were a little frightening initially. I still don't like to see them on my lawn, but I have come to accept the gulls as my daddies feed them everyday in the winter. I soon realized that my barking, growling and fussing did no good - so, now I just stand on the deck and watch them eat. And, what do they eat? Dog food - at least it's not the good expensive brand that I dine upon. What a wonderful life and so very much different from Maryland. There are no fussing and crying human babies to compete with on Water Street. I am the star here!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I began my life in Maryland in a home with a ten month old baby. Anyone who knows about Dalmatians should have realized this would not work out. Dalmatians must have all the attention - 24/7. My first owners soon came to understand this and put me up for sale on Craig's List. Can you imagine. I was embarrassed although the asking price was pretty high.
The wonderful people at The Willing Hearts Dalmatian Rescue Organization saw the add and tried to talk my owners into letting them find me a home. The gentleman was not a gentleman and told them if they wanted me they would have to pay the price. So - they did and perhaps saved me from a tragic future. My first owners had no concept of Dalmatian dignity; they named me "Yankee" for goodness sake. I wasn't a Yank, I was born in Maryland. But now that I am a Yankee living in New England I have acquired the fitting and dignified name of Dylan Thomas. My new owners, David and Thom and readers, can you tell? With a name like Dylan Thomas I can prance down the street with my chest out and my head held high. And - I most certainly do.
Yes, I am the Downeast Dalmatian. My name is Dylan Thomas (and that's another story in itself). I began my Life in Maryland and am now permanently situated in my "forever home" in Eastport, Maine with Daddy Thom and Daddy David. My family here includes lots of friends, human and canine, and too many Aunties to count. I am a lucky boy; settled in a forever home and constantly surrounded by love and tolerance. Oh yes, tolerance must be an attribute when adopting a four month old Dalmatian.
This is the first cell phone picture of me that Thom and David ever saw and I hear David was especially impressed and began shouting, "Yes, yes. Let's get him." So they flew to Philadelphia, rented a car and drove to a small town near Scranton, Pennsylvania, met me in person, filed the necessary papers and loaded me up for my very first road trip to my new home. I was very anxious for a new beginning AND for the duration of that trip I was on my best behavior. Oh, I did chew up a few plastic bags in the back of the car; but after all I was excited and full of energy. I was just a baby and a whole new world was opening up for me.