Saturday, October 2, 2010


My staff drive me around town and on short trips in the Escape with the sun roof open (in the pleasant weather, naturally). I enjoy sticking my head out the top and surveying the passing views. It draws a little attention from people who see the car coming down the street with a Dalmatian head poking out the top. Summer tourists are especially amused by this local site. I think all the local people are used to it by now.
Well, my Aunt Frani saw this as another ideal photo-op and took this handsome shot of me on a beautiful sunny, blue-skied day. I know it sounds vain, but I certainly look good. Don't you agree?
I am positive that I could leap out the sun roof opening just by stepping up onto one of my Daddies' shoulders. However, they are aware of this fact also and are ever on their guard.

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